Rebecca Lehrhoff-Joy was not born a meer-lama, for there is no such thing as a meer-lama. But if there was, believe me, she would have been born as one. Rebecca, however, was born a small human in Boston, educated in Saratoga Springs, and again in Boulder, and finally brought herself to Somerville, MA where she resides with her husband and their fluffy orange cat named Albus Dumblemeow. Dancing Butoh in a deconstructed hoop skirt in the show Interference was her first foray with LaB. The best dream she ever had involved a small, nameless, purple dragon whose presence would allow her to jump-bounce-fly. Each time she had the dream she could jump-bounce-fly higher and farther until she no longer needed the small, nameless purple dragon’s assistance. (Insert metaphor for growing up here.) A production she saw of Marat-Sade at the A.R.T. in 2002 helped to solidify her desire to create and perform theater. It was not the main characters that inspired her, but the ensemble of inmates who deftly climbed, hung and contorted within the walls of a cage on stage. Since then physical, ensemble-created shows have been the name of her game. The other name of her game is Celebrity; she really likes playing Celebrity.