Adaptive Theatre Workshop


At Liars & Believers, we believe in the power of storytelling, and we know that theater education benefits participants well beyond the workshop walls. In this workshop we will offer students the tools that they need to begin to craft their own theatrical stories. Tailored to work with a variety of neurodivergent learning styles, our Liars & Believers workshop will provide students with an opportunity to create fantastical tales through fun and engaging theater exercises. We hope to see you there! 


February 4, 11, 18, 25
March 4, 18, 25
April 1

All sessions run from 5:00-6:00pm.

You may attend one or all of the sessions, or anything in between!


Needham Senior Center, The Center at the Heights, 300 Hillside Ave, Needham Heights, MA 02494


$100 registration fee. $70 registration fee for returning students. $55 per class.

Please fill out the intake form linked above.  The form includes a link for registration payment.
You can use the same link to pay for each class.

For more info, please email
The Adaptive Theatre Workshop is supported by government grants and private foundations